add_res_to_merging_list adds EWCE results to a list for merging analysis.

add_res_to_merging_list(full_res, existing_results = NULL)



Results list generated using bootstrap_enrichment_test or ewce_expression_data functions. Multiple results tables can be merged into one results table, as long as the 'list' column is set to distinguish them.


Output of previous rounds from adding results to list. Leave empty if this is the first item in the list.


Merged results list.


# Load the single cell data
ctd <- ewceData::ctd()
#> see ?ewceData and browseVignettes('ewceData') for documentation
#> loading from cache

# Load the data
tt_alzh <- ewceData::tt_alzh()
#> see ?ewceData and browseVignettes('ewceData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
# tt_alzh_BA36 <- ewceData::tt_alzh_BA36()
# Use 3 bootstrap lists for speed, for publishable analysis use >10000
reps <- 3
# Use 5 up/down regulated genes (thresh) for speed, default is 250
thresh <- 5
# Run EWCE analysis
# tt_results <- ewce_expression_data(
#    sct_data = ctd, tt = tt_alzh, annotLevel = 1, thresh = thresh,
#    reps = reps, ttSpecies = "human", sctSpecies = "mouse"
# )
# tt_results_36 <- ewce_expression_data(
#    sct_data = ctd, tt = tt_alzh_BA36, annotLevel = 1, thresh = thresh,
#    reps = reps, ttSpecies = "human", sctSpecies = "mouse"
# )

# Fill a list with the results
results <- add_res_to_merging_list(tt_alzh)
# results <- add_res_to_merging_list(tt_alzh_BA36, results)